Pretty In Pink

Pretty In Pink
Laura 5 month

Andy's carrot

Andy's carrot
5 months

Friday, February 6, 2009

Half and Half

One unlucky camper now has two halfs instead of just one whole camper!


The frozen sink stalagtite and congealed dawn.
My pipes have frozen and busted under the sink in the cabinet.

My Jeep!! :(

The Damage at Mama Judy's

The tree that split 6 ways. No Power for 9 days.
Wires & trees down that's why no power.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Frozen Tundra

The new year has started with a crash-bomb-bang. All was well until the freezing rain and snow decided to pay us a visit. The clean up from the falling precipitation is overwhelming. My house is still okay, but the branches are braking and falling everwhere. My mother-in-law's home has tree damage that removed the electric lane from the house.